Creating Sustainable Offices: How to Make Eco-Friendly Choices for Your Business

by | Last updated May 27, 2023

Businesses today are increasingly focused on reducing their environmental impact and becoming more sustainable. One effective way to achieve this is by creating a sustainable office.

Creating sustainable office spaces - a startup team at an open-space office setup
Creating sustainable office spaces. Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What is a Sustainable Office?

Sustainability in business and office design involves creating eco-friendly and resource-efficient workspaces that balance the needs of the business with environmental protection and social responsibility. It aims to reduce energy consumption, waste, and carbon emissions while promoting a healthier and more productive workspace.

A sustainable office involves adopting eco-friendly practices that can help you save on energy costs, promote the health and productivity of your employees, and reduce your carbon footprint.

This article will guide you through the process of creating a sustainable office, from identifying areas where you can make a difference to choosing the right products and services. With the tips and guidelines provided, you can create an office that not only benefits the environment but also enhances the well-being of your employees and the community.

Benefits of Sustainable Offices

Sustainability in the workplace offers many benefits, not just for the environment but also for businesses and their employees. Here are some of the key benefits of creating a sustainable office:

Positive impact on the environment and community
By adopting sustainable practices in the office, businesses can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment. Sustainable offices also help to promote a healthier and more sustainable community, reducing pollution and waste.

Cost-saving benefits for businesses
Creating a sustainable office can also help businesses save on energy costs and other expenses. For example, switching to energy-efficient lighting and appliances can lead to significant savings on electricity bills. Using sustainable materials and products can also lead to cost savings in the long run, as they tend to be more durable and require less maintenance.

Increased employee satisfaction and productivity
Sustainable offices also offer benefits for employees, such as improved air quality and increased access to natural light, which can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction. In addition, creating a sustainable office can demonstrate a company’s commitment to social responsibility, which can help attract and retain top talent.

Assessing Your Current Office Environment

Before you can make any changes to your office to make it more sustainable, it’s important to assess your current environment. This involves conducting an energy audit and assessing your current furniture and materials for sustainability.

Conducting an Energy Audit to Identify Areas for Improvement
An energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of your office’s energy consumption and identifies areas where energy can be saved. You can either conduct an audit yourself or hire an energy auditor to do it for you. During the audit, you will look at your lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and other appliances to see how much energy they consume. The auditor will then provide recommendations for reducing your energy consumption and costs.

Assessing Current Furniture and Materials for Sustainability
Another important step in assessing your current office environment is to evaluate your furniture and materials for sustainability. Look for products that are made from sustainable materials, such as recycled or renewable materials, and are manufactured in an environmentally responsible way. Evaluate the products you currently have and determine whether they can be reused or recycled, or if they need to be replaced with more sustainable options.

Assessment Checklist

To make the assessment process easier, create a checklist that covers all the areas you need to evaluate. The checklist should include items such as energy consumption, lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, furniture, and materials. Once you have completed the assessment, you can use the checklist to track your progress and ensure that you are making the necessary changes to create a more sustainable office environment.

Here’s a sample checklist to assess the current office environment for sustainability:

Energy usage

  • Are lights and electronics turned off when not in use?
  • Are energy-efficient light bulbs being used?
  • Are computers set to “sleep” mode when not in use?
  • Is the heating/cooling system used efficiently, such as setting the temperature to an appropriate level and closing windows when using the system?

Waste reduction

  • Are employees encouraged to use reusable cups, plates, and cutlery?
  • Is there a recycling program in place?
  • Is paper waste minimized through double-sided printing or digital storage?
  • Are non-recyclable waste items reduced, such as plastic packaging and disposable items?

Sustainable materials

  • Are environmentally friendly cleaning products being used?
  • Are office supplies made from sustainable materials?
  • Are furniture and décor made from sustainable materials or are they second-hand items?


  • Is the office location easily accessible by public transportation or bike lanes?
  • Are employees encouraged to use eco-friendly transportation options, such as carpooling or biking?
  • Is the company vehicle fleet eco-friendly?

Social responsibility

  • Does the company have a policy regarding environmental and social responsibility?
  • Is the company involved in any community or environmental initiatives?

Designing a Sustainable Office

Creating a sustainable office is not just about being eco-friendly, but also about improving the overall well-being of employees and reducing operating costs. Here are some ways to design a sustainable office:

Choosing energy-efficient lighting and appliances
Lighting and appliances are two of the biggest energy consumers in an office. Therefore, it is crucial to choose energy-efficient options. LED lighting is the most energy-efficient option available and has a longer lifespan than traditional lighting. Energy Star certified appliances are also a great choice, as they consume less energy and are designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Incorporating green building materials and finishes
Building materials and finishes play a significant role in the environmental impact of a building. Therefore, it is important to choose sustainable and environmentally friendly materials like bamboo, cork, and recycled materials. These materials have a lower environmental impact and are also durable.

Implementing sustainable waste management practices
Sustainable waste management practices involve reducing, reusing, and recycling. Implementing a recycling program in the office is an easy way to reduce waste. Reducing paper usage by going digital, using refillable ink cartridges, and avoiding single-use plastics are also great ways to reduce waste.

Selecting furniture made from sustainable materials
Furniture is a significant part of an office environment, and choosing sustainable furniture can have a huge impact on the environment. Consider furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled plastic. Also, look for furniture that has certifications like Cradle to Cradle and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Eco-Friendly Office Practices

In addition to designing a sustainable office, implementing eco-friendly practices can further reduce your business’s environmental impact. Here are some eco-friendly office practices you can adopt:

Reducing paper waste and promoting digital alternatives
Printing and paper use can contribute significantly to waste and environmental impact. By adopting digital alternatives, you can reduce paper usage and save on costs. Here are some ways to reduce paper waste:

  • Encourage the use of digital documents and file sharing instead of printing.
  • Use recycled paper products and print double-sided whenever possible.
  • Provide employees with reusable cups, plates, and utensils to reduce single-use plastics.

Encouraging eco-friendly commuting options
The daily commute to work can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Encouraging eco-friendly commuting options can help reduce your business’s carbon footprint. Here are some ways to promote sustainable commuting:

  • Encourage employees to use public transportation, carpool, bike, or walk to work.
  • Provide incentives for eco-friendly commuting, such as preferred parking or transit passes.

Implementing sustainable purchasing policies
Sustainable purchasing policies involve considering the environmental impact of products and services before purchasing. By selecting sustainable products, you can reduce waste and promote environmentally responsible practices. Here are some ways to implement sustainable purchasing policies:

  • Choose environmentally friendly office supplies such as recycled paper, toner cartridges, and non-toxic cleaning supplies.
  • Select furniture and equipment made from sustainable materials.
  • Choose vendors that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Marketing Your Sustainable Office

Creating a sustainable office is a great achievement, but it’s also essential to communicate your efforts to clients, customers, and other businesses. By promoting your sustainable practices, you not only enhance your brand image but also inspire others to follow suit. Here are some ways to market your sustainable office:

Communicate your sustainable practices
Use your website, social media channels, and other marketing materials to showcase your eco-friendly practices. Highlight your efforts to reduce waste, conserve energy, and use sustainable materials. Be transparent about your commitment to sustainability, and share updates on new initiatives.

Participate in eco-conscious events
Join local eco-conscious events and trade shows to promote your brand and connect with like-minded businesses. Share your sustainable practices and learn from others’ experiences. Consider hosting your own events to showcase your sustainable office and educate the public.

Collaborate with other eco-conscious businesses
Partner with other eco-conscious businesses to increase your impact and promote sustainability in your community. Consider collaborating on projects, hosting events together, or sharing resources to reduce costs and promote environmental responsibility.

Certifications and labels
Consider obtaining eco-certifications or using eco-labels on your products or services. Certifications and labels demonstrate your commitment to sustainability, and they can be a powerful marketing tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of creating a sustainable office?

Creating a sustainable office offers numerous advantages, such as reduced environmental impact, lower operating costs, improved employee health and well-being, enhanced brand reputation, and compliance with sustainability regulations.

How can I incorporate sustainable practices into my office design?

To create a sustainable office, consider implementing energy-efficient lighting systems, utilizing eco-friendly building materials, promoting waste reduction and recycling programs, incorporating natural light and ventilation, and investing in energy-saving technologies.

What are some sustainable office furniture options?

Opt for office furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo, reclaimed wood, or recycled materials. Look for furniture with certifications such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Greenguard that ensure sustainable sourcing and low chemical emissions.

How can I encourage sustainable behaviors among employees?

Promote eco-friendly practices by providing recycling bins, encouraging paperless workflows, promoting energy conservation, and educating employees about sustainable habits and the importance of environmental responsibility.

Are there financial incentives for creating a sustainable office?

Yes, there may be financial incentives available, such as tax credits or grants, for implementing sustainable practices in your office. Additionally, energy-efficient upgrades can lead to long-term cost savings through reduced energy consumption.

How can I measure the environmental impact of my office?

You can track your office’s environmental impact by monitoring energy and water usage, waste generation and recycling rates, carbon emissions, and the use of sustainable materials. Conducting regular audits and assessments can help identify areas for improvement and track progress towards sustainability goals.

What are some examples of sustainable office initiatives?

Examples of sustainable office initiatives include implementing renewable energy sources like solar panels, promoting telecommuting or flexible work arrangements to reduce commuting emissions, supporting local and eco-conscious suppliers, and engaging employees in sustainability programs or volunteer activities.

How can I communicate our sustainable practices to clients and stakeholders?

Share your sustainability efforts through various channels like your website, social media, newsletters, and company reports. Highlight specific initiatives, achievements, and partnerships to showcase your commitment to sustainability and inspire others to adopt similar practices.

How can I stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in sustainable office practices?

Stay informed by joining industry associations or networks focused on sustainability, attending conferences and workshops, following reputable sustainability publications, and engaging with sustainability professionals or consultants who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

How can I continuously improve and evolve our sustainable office practices?

Regularly evaluate and reassess your sustainable initiatives, gather feedback from employees and stakeholders, conduct sustainability audits, and set goals for continuous improvement. Stay adaptable and open to new ideas and innovations that can further enhance your office’s sustainability performance.

About the author Vladimir Fishov

Vladimir has been installing, moving and reconfiguring office furniture since 2005, working with companies like WeWork and LinkedIn. Vladimir is the man behind Office2Day. Here he shares insights to help office managers, interior designers and business owners make sense of office furniture.
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